These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern your use of www.AndrewHaug.com (“Website”) and its audio stream (“Stream”).

The Website and the Stream are the property of AVH Holdings Pty Limited (“AVH”).

Please read through the Terms. If you do not agree with the Terms, do not use the Website and/or Stream. If you do use the Website or Stream, your conduct indicates that you agree to be bound by these Terms.

Copyright notices

Unless otherwise specified the copyright in:

a) the contents of all the pages in the Website; and

b) the audio content of the Stream,

is owned by, or licensed to AVH.

Unless otherwise specified, the authors of the literary and artistic works in the pages of the Website and audio content of the Stream have asserted their moral right pursuant to the Australian Copyright Act 1968 as amended (“Act”) including the Regulations thereto, to be identified as the author of those works.

Conditions of your use of the website

Except as stated below, the contents of the Website and Stream may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior express written permission of AVH.

You may not distribute, display, copy, record or stream any of the contents of the Website or Stream to third parties including, but not limited to “caching” any material on the website for access by third parties and “mirroring” any material on the website.

You may provide links to the Website and Stream from any other website.

You may print or download to disk the contents of an individual page of the website for the purpose of private and personal non-commercial use.

However, you may only make one copy of any content and it must be for personal use.

Exclusion of AVH’s liability

The information contained in the material on the Website and Stream is only for information purposes. AVH makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or reliability. The material on the Website and Stream does not constitute advice and you should not rely on any material in the Website to make (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from taking) any action.

AVH does not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or fitness for purpose of any material on the Website or Stream or the reliability of the access to the website.

In no event do we accept liability of any description, including liability for negligence for any damages or losses (including, without limitation, loss of business, revenue, profits, or consequential loss) whatsoever resulting from performance of, use of or inability to use the Website or Stream.

While AVH endeavours to ensure that this Website Stream is normally available 24 hours a day, AVH shall not be liable if for any reason the Website and Stream is unavailable at any time or for any period.

Access to the Website or Stream may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond AVH’s control.

AVH makes no warranty that the Website (or websites which are linked to the website) is free from computer viruses or any other malicious or impairing computer program.

The pages contained in the Website may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.

The audio content of the Stream may contain inaccurate information for which AVH excludes all responsibility to the extent of the law.

The information on this Website and Stream may be updated from time to time and may at times be out of date.

We accept no responsibility for keeping the information on this Website or Stream up to date or liability for any failure to do so.

All users are advised to check advert details carefully before entering into any agreements of any kind. If in doubt, please seek legal advice.

Third party material and advertisements

The Website and Stream contains material (including but not limited to advertisements) submitted and created by third parties. All advertisements published by AVH are subject to the terms of an advertising agreement with AVH. All third party material is published by AVH in good faith. To the extent permitted by law AVH does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of such material (nor is any warranty expressed or implied by publication) and AVH specifically disclaims and excludes all liability to any person (be they advertiser, reader or user) for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever or however arising from any error, omission or inaccuracy in such material and AVH takes no responsibility for such material.

In the event that you purchase or obtain any goods or services from a third party then your acquisition of such goods or services will be in accordance with the third party’s terms and conditions and AVH will have no liability to you in respect of the same.

The website also contains links to other websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by AVH. AVH is not responsible for the content of those sites. AVH provides these links for your convenience only but does not necessarily endorse the material on those sites.

All product names mentioned on the Website are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Some documents may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information relating to that document or organisation. You agree that AVH has not conferred by implication, or otherwise, any licence or right under any patent, trademark or copyright (except as expressly provided) by AVH or any third party.

Material submitted by you

By submitting any material to AVH, you automatically grant AVH the royalty-free*, perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, edit, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such material (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content. You acknowledge that AVH is not obliged to publish any material submitted by you.

* A royalty-free licence is granted by you to AVH in any circumstance where you or any licensee of the material you submit does not have an arrangement with a royalty collection agency such as APRA or PPCA. AVH pays licence fees to APRA and PPCA for all applicable material that is included on the Website or Stream, and recommends that you contact those agencies if you have any questions regarding royalties relating to the material you submit.

By submitting an advertisement to AndrewHaug.com you automatically agree to be bound by any applicable advertising conditions AVH considers necessary.

Your conduct

You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from the Website any material:

(a) that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience; or

(b) for which you have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals; or

(c) which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law of or infringe the rights of any third party, in Australia or any other country in the world; or

(d) which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data).

You may not misuse the Website or Stream (including, without limitation, by hacking).

AVH shall fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing the Company to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of these Terms.

Data Protection and Privacy

Any details which you provide to us from which we can identify you are held and processed only for the purposes of:

a) the proper functioning of your interaction with the Website and Stream, and

b) AVH’s user database.

AVH will not provide any of your personal information to any third party for commercial reasons.

AVH may use your personal information from time to time to contact you with information and promotions relative to the Website and Stream.

If you have any questions regarding your personal information, including to have it removed from AVH’s user database, please contact us at info@andrewhaug.com.


If any term or part of this Agreement shall be declared to be unenforceable or void by any Court of competent jurisdiction for any reason whatsoever, the rest of the provisions of these Terms shall remain in full effect.

Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be construed and given effect to in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia.


The Courts of Victoria, Australia shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, or out of or in connection with the Website and Stream, and their use of these Terms.

No representation or warranty is made as to whether the information available in the website complies with the regulatory regime of countries other than Australia

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and AVH relating to the subject matter herein.


If you have any questions or queries regarding any of the services or products featured please send an email to info@andrewhaug.com

Contact Information:

C/O AVH Holdings Pty Limited
PO Box 775 Tullamarine
Victoria 3043